Valamar najpogostejša vprašanja (FAQ)

Moja rezervacija

Je pri apartmajih vključena posteljnina in kako pogosto menjate brisače?

Pri apartmajih je posteljnina vključena. Menja se enkrat tedensko, brisače pa se menjajo po potrebi.

Ali so v hotelih brisače v sobah vključene v ceno?

V vseh naših objektih so brisače v sobah vključene v ceno.

Koliko stane cena transferja?

Za informacijo o ceni transferja prosimo pošljite povpraševanje na, saj je cena odvisna od števila oseb in oddaljenosti objekta od letališča.

Lahko na recepciji najamem majhen hladilnik?

V nekaterih naših objektih ponujamo tudi najem hladilnika proti doplačilu oziroma je na voljo mini bar, ki se lahko uporabi v ta namen.

Je parkirišče varovano?

Vsa naša parkirišča so rezervirana izključno za naše goste in so pod videonadzorom.

Ali je možno dobiti brezglutenski obrok?

Naši objekti imajo možnost ponudbe brezglutenske prehrane. Prosimo, da v komentarjih ob rezervaciji navedete, da potrebujete tovrstno prehrano in to omenite ob prijavi.

Se je možno nastaniti v sobi pred uro za prijavo (14:00h)?

Prijava je od 14. ure (za mobilne hiške od 16. ure), odjava pa do 10. ure. Če v hotel prispete pred 14:00, na recepciji preverite, če je vaša soba morda že pripravljena za vas.

Ali se lahko prijavim po 20.00 uri?

Prijava je možna tudi po 20:00. V vseh naših hotelih recepcija obratuje 24/7, ko je hotel odprt. Prosimo, sporočite nam predvideni čas prihoda, in sicer najpozneje do 20 h na dan prihoda.

Je možno na dan odhoda v sobi ostati dlje časa?

Svoje bivanje v sobi lahko podaljšate na recepciji hotela. Podaljšano bivanje se zaračuna v višini 50 % cene sobe.

Mi lahko pošljete cene za ves mesec ali sezono?

Naše cene se spreminjajo glede na ponudbo in povpraševanje. Če želite našo ponudbo dodatno preveriti, lahko to storite na

Kako bo sprememba datuma bivanja vplivala na ceno?

Cene so odvisne od datuma bivanja in razpoložljivosti, zato lahko pride do spremembe.

Ali v primeru krajšega bivanja zaračunate celoten znesek rezerviranega bivanja ali le dejansko število dni bivanja?

Če svoj zgodnejši odhod napoveste pred prihodom ali ob prijavi, vas bremenimo le za znesek nočitev, ko ste bivali pri nas.

Ali lahko prosim za določeno lokacijo sobe/apartmaja (določeno nadstropje, razgled, itd.)?

Lahko rezervirate izključno vrsto sobe / apartmaja. Svojo željo lahko navedete ob rezervaciji in le-ta se bo glede na razpoložljivost upoštevala ob dodelitvi sobe.

Je na voljo pomožno ležišče/otroška posteljica?

Pomožno ležišče je na voljo v sobah, kjer je to navedeno v opisu. Otroška posteljica se dodatno zaračuna 5 € na dan. V naših Valamar Collection hotelih & resortih je ta storitev brezplačna.

Obstaja možnost najema turističnega vodnika?

Seveda lahko posredujemo pri najemu turističnega vodnika. Za povpraševanja in rezervacije stopite v stik z našim Valamar Experience Concierge ali preverite na

Ali je na recepciji tudi menjalnica?

Denar lahko zamenjate na recepciji, kjer posluje menjalnica.

Imate turistično zavarovanje?

Turistično zavarovanje lahko sklenete prek e-naslova Velja za objekte Valamar Riviera d.d. in Imperial Riviera d.d.

Hišni ljubljenčki

Ima Valamar hotele/kampe, kjer sprejemate hišne ljubljenčke?

Da, hišnega ljubljenčka lahko pripeljete s sabo v večino naših hotelov in kampov, v izbrane sobe oziroma camping home. Seznam hotelov/kampov, ki sprejemajo hišne ljubljenčke, lahko najdete tukaj:

Ali lahko hišnega ljubljenčka pustim v namestitveni enoti?

Če zapustite namestitveno enoto, vas prosimo, da hišnega ljubljenčka ne puščate brez nadzora. Če morate hišnega ljubljenčka za kratek čas zapustiti, namestite znak za hišnega ljubljenčka na kljuko z zunanje strani vrat.

Grem lahko v restavracijo s hišnim ljubljenčkom?

V naših objektih, kjer so dovoljene domače živali, so psi dovoljeni v posebej označenem delu restavracije ter na zunanji terasi. Hišnim ljubljenčkom, razen vodnikom, ni dovoljeno vstopiti v območje bazena, wellness in fitnes center. Poleg tega morajo biti hišni ljubljenčki ves čas, ko so zunaj sobe, na kontrolirani povodcu.

Bazeni in plaže

Kakšno je doplačilo za senčnike in ležalnike na plažah?

V objektih, kjer se zaračuna doplačilo za senčnike in ležalnike, se cene gibljejo od 3,99 € do 6,64 €.

Kakšna je hotelska plaža in ali je plačljiva?

Opis plaž lahko najdete na naših spletnih straneh skupaj z opisom hotela. Plaže so brezplačne.

Ali notranji bazeni obratujejo tudi med sezono?

Vsi naši notranji bazeni obratujejo v času odprtja objekta.

Načini plačevanja

Je bivanje možno plačati z bančno kartico?

Bivanje je možno poravnati z bančno kartico v objektu.

Bo cena enaka, če rezerviram prek spleta ali pokličem center za rezervacije?

Cena je enaka.

Lahko svojo katrico na vaših straneh uporabljam varno?

Vaša kartica je na varnem. Kreditno kartico potrebujemo izključno kot jamstvo vaše rezervacije. Varna transakcija in zaščita vaše zasebnosti sta nam na prvem mestu. Pri Valamarju uporabljamo tehnologijo in sisteme, ki so v skladu z najvišjimi standardi varnosti in zaščite.

Lahko plačam v evrih ali s kreditno kartico?

Lahko plačate v evrih in s kreditnimi karticami.

S katerimi kreditnimi karticami lahko plačujem prek spleta?

Plačate lahko z naslednjimi karticami: VISA, MasterCard, Diners in AMEX.


Kje se nahaja parkirišče za goste Isabella Island Resort, Valamar Collection?

Za goste Isabella Island Resort, Valamar Collection smo zagotovili parkiranje na parkirišču Žatika. Organiziran je brezplačen prevoz s parkirišča do resorta in nazaj. (Prevoz od parkirišča do ladje je v predsezoni zagotovljen vsak dan od 7 h do 22 h, v sezoni pa od 7 h do 23 h. Ladja vozi od 7 h do 24 h.) Podrobnejša navodila lahko najdete tukaj:

Kje se nahaja parkirišče za goste hotela Valamar Riviera?

Za goste Valamar Riviera Hotel & Residence je zagotovljeno parkiranje na parkirišču Žatika. Organiziramo brezplačen prevoz s parkirišča do resorta in nazaj. Podrobnejša navodila lahko najdete tukaj:

Valamar Rewards Programme

What benefits do I get by joining Valamar Rewards?

- up to 15% off on your reservations (depending on your membership level)
- up to 4.5% cashback for each eligible* euro spent during your stay
- use of your collected wallet credits to pay for your next stay
- option to transfer your wallet credits to the Valamar Rewards card of friends or family members
- discounts at wellness and sports centres and restaurants available for use during each stay
- a wide range of specially tailored services and privileges based on your membership level
- first-hand information on best prices and exclusive special offers
- access to your personal data and points balance in your Valamar Rewards user account

How can I collect wallet credits/reward euros?

Reward euros are granted only for accommodation booked by an individual online at,,, or through the Valamar Reservation Centre.

Depending on your membership level, you can earn 3%, 3.5%, 4% or 4.5% cashback for each euro spent* during your stay. Reward euros will be credited to your user account 48 hours after you check out at the reception desk.

Rewards euros are always earned in the same manner regardless of the season, with no distinction between high and low season.

The card cannot be used retroactively; reward euros are not granted for stays before the Loyalty Programme was launched.

Only the registered cardholder who is both staying and paying for the accommodation is eligible to collect reward euros.

Collecting reward euros can be combined with benefits offered by other associations, such as ADAC or any other camping club or organisation.

How can I use my reward euros and other membership benefits?

1. You can use them directly during the booking process to reduce the price of your stay. To use your reward euros and receive discounts and other benefits, book your accommodation online at,, or through the Valamar Reservation Centre.

Discounts offered by various motoring clubs cannot be combined with reward euros from the Valamar Rewards Programme and cannot be used to reduce the cost of your stay. The member of the Valamar Rewards who booked the accommodation using reward euros must be present at check-in and throughout the entire stay.

2. You can use your reward euros at the property, in outlets with visible signs indicating that they accept reward euros.

Members of the Loyalty Programme can use their reward euros to reduce the cost of food and beverages consumed during their stay at a specific property. Every restaurant or bar that offers this option will have a corresponding sign displayed in a visible location, informing guests that they can use reward euros.

To use reward euros, guests must first download the digital card to their mobile device’s Wallet. The member’s digital card contains a unique QR code that must be scanned at the time of payment to apply the discount and use reward euros to reduce the final cost.

In addition to reward euros, each membership level offers additional services and benefits which are explained in more detail during registration (refer to the table outlining membership levels and associated benefits).

How can I advance to higher membership levels?

There are four membership levels: Valamar Rewards White, Valamar Rewards Silver, Valamar Rewards Gold and Valamar Rewards VIP.

A specific membership level is attained based on eligible activities, accumulated credits, or overnight stays over a period of two calendar years (from 1 January to 31 December).

Minimum requirements (within two calendar years):
- *White – becoming a member*
- *Silver – collected €50 or 8 overnight stays*
- *Gold – collected €150 or 20 overnight stays*
- *VIP – by invitation only*

By signing up for the Programme, you begin accumulating reward euros/wallet credits and overnight stays to reach a membership level that offers greater benefits.

Wallet credits and stays can only be accumulated by booking accommodation directly either online at,, or through the Valamar Reservation Centre.

When and why will my membership level be downgraded?

If the conditions described above are not met within two calendar years, the member will be reverted to the previous membership level at the end of the current calendar year (31 December). For example, if you are a Valamar Rewards Gold level member, you’ll be downgraded to the Valamar Rewards Silver level.

If the conditions described above are not met within two calendar years, the member will be reverted to the previous membership level at the end of the current calendar year (31 December). For example, if you are a Valamar Rewards Gold level member, you’ll be downgraded to the Valamar Rewards Silver level.

The VIP level is reserved exclusively for Valamar’s most loyal guests, and different conditions are applicable. You can find out more by clicking on Programme Rules.

When and why might I forfeit my Wallet credits?

If no activity (such as a stay) is recorded within a two-year period, your membership in the Loyalty Programme will remain active, but your Wallet credits will be forfeited. Members may start collecting reward euros again by booking a new stay.

In what situations are Valamar Rewards benefits not available?

To use your wallet credits and receive discounts and other benefits, book your accommodation online at,, or through the Valamar Reservation Centre.
*The following stays of Programme members do not count towards eligibility for benefits under the Valamar Rewards Programme: accommodation booked through tour operators or travel agents where payment is not made directly to the property or Valamar. Booking sites that require payment to be made directly to the site operator’s account are also classified as travel agents. The same restrictions apply to coupons or vouchers purchased by members from online shopping sites. Additionally, stays related to services billed by the hotel to third parties, such as insurance companies and health insurance providers, are not included. Stays booked using award coupons or vouchers are not eligible. “Flat-rate” guests who are members of the Loyalty Programme do not earn reward euros from their stays at Valamar campsites; however, as members, they can still use other rights and benefits outlined in the Programme, including discounts on products and services (additional benefits).

What if I have to cancel or change my booking?

If you cancel a booking, your membership level will remain the same as at your last checkout.

If you used wallet credits to pay a discounted price, they will be handled in accordance with our booking cancellation policy.

If you change your booking, you will retain all benefits associated with your membership level, provided that you (as a Loyalty Programme member) are still among the guests and your stay lasts a minimum of 2 nights.

How can I get a Valamar Rewards loyalty card?

Your card will be activated once you receive the welcome email from Valamar Rewards, allowing you to save it in your digital wallet for easy access at all times.

Can I transfer the card to a third party or combine two cards?

The card is intended for personal use and may not be used by a third party under any circumstances. However, Valamar Rewards permits the transfer of wallet credits collected with stay to whomever you choose. Your new Valamar Rewards friend must sign up for membership in the Valamar Rewards Programme. After they have opened their account, wallet credits can be transferred to their account by a third party only by submitting a written request via email to the Valamar Rewards customer service: or through the My Account section of the Valamar Rewards website.

When does my card expire?

The card doesn’t have an expiration date; however, points will be forfeited if no stays have been booked within the last two calendar years. Once you make a new booking using your Valamar Rewards ID number, you can start accumulating reward euros again and advance in membership levels.

How and when can I check my reward euro balance?

Members can view their total balance of reward euros by logging into the My Account section of the Loyalty Programme at or or by contacting Valamar Rewards customer service (

To check the updated status of your Rewards Wallet, please wait at least 7 days after checking out at the reception desk, as the points will be added automatically at that time.

How can I cancel my Valamar Rewards membership?

Members can cancel their membership at any time by sending an email to

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